In order to maintain a high level of quality of our products we have invested in our own RENAR accredited Testing Laboratory and authorized by ISCIR.
We are able to cover a full range of mechanical and hydraulic tests and examinations, through our team of laboratory specialists.
Destructive testing
The metallographic line allows for sampling and preparation of the metal samples in order to ensure metallographic structure testing.
Chemical composition can be determined using our devices, mechanical traction, compression, bending, technological tests and hardness and resilience tests can be performed with it.
Non-destructive testing
The lifting equipment manufactured by Elmas is based on metallic structures that require non-destructive testing to ensure high quality and safety.
Different types of testing are performed:
- visual examinations to detect possible technological, dimensional and surface flaws;
- ultrasound thickness measurement of metallic materials (UTg);
- ultrasound testing (UT) to detect defects in welded joints by conventional processes Ut, Phased array and TOFD;
- PET penetration testing for both metallic and non-metallic materials to highlight open surface discontinuities with fluorescent or color contrast solutions, depending on the degree of illumination;
- MT magnetic powders testing on materials with ferromagnetic properties.
Hydraulic tests and checks
The hydraulic stand in our laboratory provides hydraulic testing, checks and adjustments: closed and open circuit pumps and motors, mechanical distributors, valves and valves on / off.